Thursday, October 02, 2008

Community Content Creation

Dear Reader,

It has been yet again some time since I updated you on my antics, however I have been twitting recently!

Two stories took my eye today that got me thinking and I wanted to share them with you. The first, an article about the online fan base for Terry Wogan and can be seen here...

BBC - Radio Labs - Fan cultures in radio (3) - TOGs or "This Ordinary Group"

The article focuses on how the community feel closer to the celebrity by being part of the website rather than just being a listening body receiving information from the radio. In addition the article asked the users what could be done to improve the site - the response was very encouraging and just goes to show how those that use the information can better tell the creators what is best than the creators second guessing the content.

This got me thinking - if we can do it online, why can't we do it in real life. How do we as citizens engage with each other and our providers. This leads me on to the other item that caught my eye today.

An author of a blog I follow posted an entry live from a conference this afternoon about a speaker, Dominic Campbell, from an organisation called FutureGov he spoke about how Local Government were missing the point when consulting with their citizens. He gave examples of Brent Council and highlighted this video to help engage the citizens.

Local authorities need to engage and trust their community to help develop both the services that it delivers and also the information provided on their websites. Local authorities have to move away from the 'We are almighty, we know what you want' position to a 'Help us to help you' approach.

Web 2.0 can help with this, build an online community reflecting the real life world.

Till next time,


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