Thursday, September 28, 2006

Chateau Pquarantecinq

Chateau Pquarantecinq

Now here is an interesting fella, a person I have had the opportunity to meet in a past life.

The author of this blog recently moved to Winnipeg, Canada, but still runs his very successful website from this location. He is a man of many talents and has wrote many books mainly on Architecture. On the side he takes an active interest in Irish culture by observing those who actually live it.

You may ask how he does this when he is nowhere near Ireland - the answer - the Internet! He is a true modern age worker emphasing the point that work is an activity not a location.

Have a read - it has not been updated for a little while - but it is worth it when it is. If you are interested in architecture then check out his other blog...

Till next time


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

500 miles with a 5 minute charge

Business 2.0...Big Innovations: EEStor - Sep. 18, 2006

I am sure that you can now tell that I am often attracted to stories that will help drive technology in the future, therefore this one has got my attention!

It described a new type of electric engine currently in development that, if proved successful, will power a family car for 500 miles on a charge lasting 5 minutes. Unfortunately it will mean longer queues at the 'fuel' station, but at least you will not have to 'fill up' so often!

Unless.... you can plug it into the mains at home...hmmmmm!

I really think that without this sort of inventiveness the world will grind to a halt. Should this engine take off it will dramatically reduce the need for petrol in everyday life, thus redirecting the supply into producing cleaner, more efficient power. I really hope that this engine does hit the big time as it will be the start of a new technological revolution....!

Another witter over!

Till next time,


Online Communities

Random Acts Of Reality :: TTIM#2

This is an interesting little piece. It is from a blog that I have been reading for a little while since it caught the public eye.

The author, Tom Reynolds, works for an Ambulance Service in London and he recounts his tales of saving lives in his big white taxi. He has turned his blog into a successful book.

In this particular article he talks about another blog that he visits regularly, that of Neil Gaiman and how he lets that personality shine though his blog. Tom himself is also puts himself into his online work. I have sent him an email and was very happy to receive a reply within 48 hours answering my questions.

In this article he discusses the concept of online communities and how they are developed within the web. My witter for this is that communities build themselves by links to other like-minded sites and people move around the web from site to site reading understanding and contributing to the community.

The introduction of RSS readers allow us viewers the opportunity to gather this information quickly in a readable format and then investigate it further if necessary.

The online community is very much alive!

Till next time


Monday, September 25, 2006

Zero-point energy

Zero-point energy

Having mentioned this in my previous post and then read a bit more details on Wikipedia I think that I should really tell you, my dear lonely reader, the definition of zero Point energy that I heard.

It is the force that holds particles together. This is the glue that makes diamonds hard. It is available everywhere, even in the vacuum of space.

If harnessed this power should be able to supply enough energy for everyone, and given that one of the greatest barriers to space travel is having to carry all the fuel around this will also be able to open up space exploration in a big way!

Till next time,


Feel free to leave a comment.

Internet's future in 2020 debated

BBC NEWS Technology Internet's future in 2020 debated

This is an interesting little article from the BBC. It discusses the possible direction the web and internet based communications are heading and what they will be like in the year 2020.

It has always made me think what the world will be like in x years time, especially in the world of communications. Myself and the Viscountess were discussing this the other day and I came to the conclusion that the first thing that needed to be addressed was the power resource to supply all this demand.

As soon as a new and efficient power source was found technology would accelerate to the stars! As a by-product of this a general improvement of living throughout the world would also been seen. It is quite interesting to note that all this talk about where the Internet will be in 2020 does not take into consideration the sate of the world in the time - without power there will be no computers, therefore no internet!

Roll on zero-point energy - which was used as the power source of the baddies weapons in the cartoon / film "The Incredibles"

Friday, September 22, 2006

Aero Garden

Zabar's Online Store

Is this the way food is going to be produced in the future..? What a great idea..!

The only question that I have is how much energy does it use to make a lettuce!

Just a short one this time...


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

BBC NEWS | Magazine | The camera phone backlash

BBC NEWS Magazine The camera phone backlash

This is an interesting article about how mobile phones with cameras are being linked to industrial espionage.

The article discusses some of the views that these types of phones should be banned or be forced to make a noise when used. It would appear that certain groups would like to see the removal of the feature completely.

Although I have no real desire for a camera on my phone - although I do use it as a camera - my only concern is that could this action slow down future development of the technology..?

It has appeared that since the digital camera has been developed it was introduced to mobile phones very quickly. This was on the pretence that one day you will be able to take to someone face-to-face via a telephone. Although this is possible - I really do not know anyone who actually does this, in fact this is more commonly done via the internet where costs are a lot cheaper.

As the introduction of WiMAX and wireless enabled mobile phones then the ability to communicate person-to-person via a mobile phone is finally realised.

Till next time
